Thursday, August 10, 2006

5 Things (or, silly posts to waste your time):

i don't feel like capitalizing most of this. so sue me.

5 things in my fridge:
2:marscapone cheese for making tiramisu
3:left over fish/shellfish bits for making fish stock
4:a nearly empty bottle of premade margaritas (need to remedy that)
5:one bottle of Newcastle beer (need to fix that, too)

5 things in my closet:
1:pink knee high boots with corset lacing backs that I can't wait to get into!
2:an olive wool sweater that I stole from my husband (doesn't fit him anyway)
3:a vintage floor length nightgown with wrap that belonged to my great-grandmother. would i ever wear it? no. but i like seeing it there.
4:many pairs of high heels that no longer have a purpose. ;)
5:my lucky shirt, given to me by my sister who salvaged it from some secondhand store somewhere. I wear it to media events, I got married in it (jury's still out on that one :D), and put it on when I basically need confidence.

5 things in my purse:
1:debit and credit cards for personal and nonprofit use, all helter skelter everywhere
2:my favorite tube of lipstick, apricot glaze
3:my daily planner. without it, i'd never be anywhere.
4:my big knuckle duster ring Dante bought me for $1. Gaudy as hell, and worth it!
5:my keys. too many keys, and unfortunately i have a need for every single one of them. my key ring has three rings on it--my husband's automatic car opener thingy, my boss's other job info key ring, and an american flag. and sundry automatic swiping thingys for groceries, office depot, music, etc.

5 things in my car/truck (only 5 things?!)
1:sundry literacy crap that hasn't transitioned from the office to the real world
2:usually one of my coffee to go mugs
3:a radio to replace the one that got boosted out of my car--still need some adapters to put on the plugs.
4:papers. lots and lots of papers.
5:probably things that are better off in the garbage. i'm scared to look.

Thanks to Kari at My Piece of the Net (see sidebar) for the idea!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeesh, sounds like you are in a tough spot. At least you don't have a zillion things all over your house like I do. Either you are stingy, low on funds or your'e just extremely organized!

Friday, 11 August, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope my last message did not come across as too insulting. I meant it in a sarcastic and humorous way. The lack of responses is what I find disturbing.

Saturday, 12 August, 2006  
Blogger contemplator said...

Lack of responses to what? My lists? I figured it's one of those silly conversations you have with other people that doesn't require a response, really. :)

I don't have a zillion things (except for papers). I keep trying to get rid of things--clothes, old cds, some books (not many books!). I'm not big on buying things, both because I don't have the money to waste nor the space to keep it in.

It clutters up my brain.

Oh, and you never insult me, honey, I understand where you come from. :)

Sunday, 13 August, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are getting rid of cd's? Which ones do you have?

Sunday, 13 August, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have any Kyuss CD's? You once said you were listening to Kyuss, so I was wondering if you were getting rid of those.

Wednesday, 16 August, 2006  
Blogger contemplator said...

Rocket From The Crypt, Cannibus, a lot of Korn and Deftones, lots of stuff you don't listen to, Alice in Chains, The Candy Snatchers, The Stone Roses, and a lot of Sad Bastard music. Some things I've got duplicates of. It's a varied lot, really.

Saturday, 19 August, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when I was splitting up with my ex, the CD's really were a his and hers collection... (back when I was leaning that way a little)

Actually come to think of it there was so much crap that we were fighting about "That's yours". "No way, that's yours". There ended up being a big pile o' shit we left for each other, which I guess got binned in the end. (no CD's)

I suppose what I'm saying is shove 'em in a box and forget about them for a while unless you're sick of them, desperate for cash, tired of clutter or super secure in your relationship.

(become one of those hoarders you've always run from) :)

Monday, 21 August, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Korn, Deftones, meh. Tired of the cookie cutter 'metal'. Why else do you think its been dying in the past 5 years? Right, Fred Durst?

Alice in Chains rock because they were original and creative, the total opposite from those hacks/poseurs who copied them. *cough* Creed *cough* Godsmack *cough* Bush (the band, not the president, even though they both suck) *cough* 75,000 other bands from the late 90's *cough*

Tuesday, 22 August, 2006  

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