Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Meg Is Not A Serial Killer

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A little while back, the internet world and reality crashed into each other when Meg came through my part of WV with her two kids en route to her son's Magick competition, among other things. It was an exciting chance to meet someone with whom I always thought I probably had quite a bit in common (and a fellow atheist to boot!). In making the rendezvous plans, I had offered to meet her just off the interstate and drive her and the kids to the restaurant. She politely declined, and said she was sure I understood why she would want to keep her own car. It took me a second, but then I realized the faux pas on my part. What if I was a serial killer, too?? And if she'd made the offer to drive me, would my dumb butt have said "Sure!!" never having met her face to face? Probably. I've been on her blog a bunch of times; I know her "internet personality." She's safe, right?? (The answer, of course, is "yes," but in principle, it should probably be, "I don't know yet.")

Internet relationships have really put a twist on the conventional wisdom that assumes everyone you meet on the net has something to hide. I personally think that after you communicate a while with someone, even if it's just writing, you start to know them fairly well. I certainly get to know my students through their writing. You can usually tell when someone is creating a fascade on purpose. There are still a few people I'd like to meet whom I know only on the Internet. I don't believe those people would hurt me, because I think I know them. Maybe I'm too naive, or I think that because I'm 30 years old, I can better tell the difference between a hurtful stranger and a potential friend. I like internet friendships. I like them better when I get the chance to put a person to the name.

But Meg and her family were wonderful. I pulled into the parking lot, and I knew it was her before I fully registered that it was her. It just seemed like that person was "Meg." Isn't that weird? Her van has a homeschooling sticker and a Darwin fish on it. She's got to be good, right? Her kids were great, and we ate at Pugs. She has two teenagers, and the Girl is wonderfully unique. :) But it got me to thinking about Dante's upcoming teenage years--you know, technically he's a "tween" now. I have to wonder, how many organs did she have to sacrifice to get such pleasant teenagers? They were the kind of teenagers you'd want to spend more time around.They still obviously behaved like brothers and sisters will. But they weren't sullen nor off in their own worlds with a dislike of all things adult. Did it hurt badly, Meg? Do you still have at least one kidney? Because I'm beginning to worry.

I had a great time, and I wished they could've stayed longer, although I'm sure where they went was far more interesting than this town could be. This winter, and certainly by next spring/summer, I'll have the chance to go to England with Director/Buddy, who has family there. I'll probably meet Kitush (and possibly Huffers), other internet personalities that intrigue me. Although Kitush has asked that we meet in a public place--Meg can vouch I'm not a serial killer! I can also vouch that The Undesirable Element and Batmite! are pretty much identical to their blogs, and lots of fun after a few beers. (And even without the beer.)

-- Virgil


Blogger Meg_L said...

Well, I still might be that serial killer once the sun goes down :) And you haven't seen Girl's blue hair! (though it's just kool-aid and has already faded.)

But you have some sweet words. I don't think I lost any organs to them, but they certainly count for most of my gray hair!

Wednesday, 15 August, 2007  
Blogger Frankie said...

You know, not to toot my own horn or anything, but I ALSO got to meet Meg and crew. Aren't we both lucky?

Her kids were sweet, bubbly and energetic. Thomas giggled at their brother-sister dialog. I thought they were very cute. Meg was wonderful and when they left, I felt a little sad, wishing we lived closer.

Thursday, 16 August, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We intrigue you?? Ooh er. *puts on a mysterious face*

I truly can't wait to meet you! It's hard to explain about meeting in a public place. It's just that it's being drummed into me since I was younger - if you meet someone new, meet somewhere public.

Tuesday, 21 August, 2007  

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