Thursday, July 17, 2008

A-Z meme. Because I'm bored.

I decided to take Meg up on her meme offer. Because I can't come up with better subjects and/or I don't feel like writing down the good stuff.

Sigh. Yes. I know I have one. What amuses me is that you don't think you have one. Everyone asks me this. I've been asked about this during high level presentations and standing in line at McDonald's. The next time someone asks where it's from (as if they didn't know), I'm going to tell them it's French. Actually, I spent a few years trying to kill my accent. El Hijo and I still joke about going into "white person's business voice" depending on the situation. Then I realized I was more likely to spontaneously burst into flame than not talk like I do. So I embraced it.

Breakfast or no breakfast: I can barely manage more than a cup or two of tea or coffee in the morning. I have to have a lot of time before I'm ready to eat. So if I have to be somewhere in the morning (which is most mornings), I usually don't eat breakfast proper. I make up for it all throughout the day, though.

Chore I don’t care for: Doing things other people claimed they'd do. It gives me anger management problems.

Dog or Cat: A kitteh. Although, soon, maybe it will be two kittehs...we'll have to see.

Essential Electronics: Computer, Ipod; I haven't had a cell in a long time, and I don't miss it.

Favorite Cologne: Versace's Baby Rose Jeans

Gold or Silver: Silver

Handbag I carry most often: What's a handbag? I have carry-alls for teaching, maybe that counts.

Insomnia: yup. It sucks. It's not so much insomnia as it is hypersensitivity. It would probably pay not to try to break into my house. I would hear you from three blocks away. I wish you could sneak up on me.

Job Title: You know, I don't know. I'm technically allowed to call myself "Professor." Some people in this business bitch that you can only do that if you're in a tenure track job. That's not actually true. It refers to anyone who holds a Masters or above who is teaching in the university. But to keep people from getting their panties twisted, I'll probably go by "Senior Lecturer."

Kids: One. No more. I like the one I got, and he's way too complex for me to take on another. Funny, the older he gets the more I like him. My Mom always said she liked a specific age, ironically, the period where the kid is still very young and malleable with no real way of asserting her own will. I expected to be nostalgic for the toddler years, or something, but that hasn't happened. Instead, I like the person Dante continues to become more and more with each year. I think he's got a great sense of humor, he's generous to a fault, and he is so incredibly kind, especially with smaller kids. I'm so proud of that. I think his attempts to develop "swag" are cute. I'm also thankful that his genetics threw a few shy bones in his body, or else he'd be too, too bad. (ht Andre 3000).

Living Arrangements: At this point? My way or the highway. I'm not even ready to comment on that yet.

Most Admirable Trait: Not backing down. It's also my worst trait.

Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: Not believing in God or the Jehovah's Witness principles and doing what I wanted to do. Aren't I bad? Of course, their elders would tell you my naughtiest behavior was being "too unrepentant" and "too influential". Tomato, tomahto.

Overnight hospital stays: Once when a drunk driver creamed my car, I went in later for a few tests, but I didn't stay overnight. I walked out, actually. The only time I stayed over was for Dante's birth.

Phobias: Um, fear of drowning that I'm better able to control now. I hate taking off and landing in planes. I'm afraid I'll swallow a battery.

Quote: “You've got to be shitting me” or “for fuck's sake”

Reason to smile: Dante's voice mails. God, they're funny. My favorite ones are still where he acts like I must have no clue who he is. "Um, Mom? It's Dante. Dante XXXXX. Your son." Like I have 37 kids. Or his exasperated ones: "Mo-ooom! Where ARE you?!" :D

Siblings: One sister. I love her dearly. I'm still planning her ex-husband's slow and excruciating death. Get the shit done that you were supposed to do, fucker.

Time I wake up: When I have to.

Unusual Talent or Skill: You know, I can't come up with one. I'm sure I have talent and skill, but I'm not sure what I do that's unusual.

Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: Peas. I've hated them since food was capable of being shoved in my mouth. Pretty much for my whole born existence.

Worst Habit: Arrogance. I'm so arrogant I don't even care that it's a bad habit. :p

X-rays: Other than teeth, I'm not sure. I don't go to the doctor much. I need to go more often.

Yummy Stuff: I like food in general. I like pickles. I like Lebanese bologna (yes, I know it's weird). I like beer of all kinds. Cheese. I'm a pretty good cook. I love a big ol' rare steak. With A-1. :p...

Zoo Animal I Like Most: Big cats. All kinds of them.

Let me know if you choose to do the meme.



Blogger Meg_L said...

hmm, I don't remember thinking you had an accent

You can see how good my memory is.

Thursday, 17 July, 2008  
Blogger johnieb said...

Uh, what is it you profess, ma'am? I did that, till I had to give it up so's to get enough money to live on: U S History was mine, round Connecticut.


Tuesday, 29 July, 2008  
Blogger contemplator said...

Composition and argument, mainly. Good to see you. The Appalachian Greens really do a great job of keeping tabs on bloggers in the area.

Saturday, 02 August, 2008  

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