Friday, May 04, 2007


Ah, the joys and benefits of running your own program...

The nonprofit I work for 25% of the time in the neighboring county has a mobile library that goes to the far corners of the county where there are no satellite libraries; some of the schools don't have a library, either. As if we don't have enough to do, we've recently had to go back through *all* the books in the mobile library and make sure they're entered into the library software (there's such a thing as library software!), tagged, carded, etc. because the two people who operated the mobile library before screwed it all up.

Well, as we're entering the books into the software, Navy Buddy holds up one and says: Who do I say is the author of this one?

It was the Cliff Notes to the New Testament.

Put God, I said. He laughed. No, seriously, enter it as God. It's our library software, we can put in whatever we like.

So now I have a listing that says, "Cliff Notes to the New Testament, by God." I was rooting through the other books, when Navy Buddy looked up from a few more clicks with the software and said in a great deadpan,

"Is this considered fiction?"

-- Virgil

** The listing says "Cliff Notes to the New Testament; author, God; listing, fiction."


Blogger contemplator said...

Off to the Derby--I'll report back next week!

Friday, 04 May, 2007  
Blogger Meg_L said...

You are sooo evil!

Friday, 04 May, 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

That is just too priceless!

Saturday, 05 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you done playing with horsies yet?

Sunday, 06 May, 2007  

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