Sunday, June 07, 2009

For Your Reading Pleasure:

Remember this guy?

He's the one who threatened to put his professor "in a wheelchair" if the prof didn't change his B-. Good character, that one.

Well, in a hilarious continuation of special snowflake-itis, turns out Mr. Tsirogiannis has been contacting people who've been blogging or otherwise commenting about his felony-type behavior, asking them to please stop talking about him, as it seems to be pinching his pride. If you'd like to see what he wrote to me, then please click on the link above for his latest comment. I almost commented back, but then my better nature told me, hey, why not make a new post out of it so everyone can enjoy it? I'm big hearted like that. And to prove it, I'll just quote his comment here, so the lazy won't have to even click over!

Hello, this is Apostalo Tsirogiannis and to answer Mr. Lawvol and your question I have asked one blogger to remove this article from their website and they agreed. I also have gotten newspapers to remove it also because I did prove to them that this story did not correlate with the police report. No, I am not going to threaten you Mr. Contemplator. Yes, I know I threaten a Professor who was a predator and has been fired from Penn State. I am just a guy who wants to move and has learned his lesson and asking for you Mr. Contemplator to remove this article from this blogger. I paid Price, I got a misdeamnor and I am on ARD and all I am asking is to move on in life. It really hard to explain my side of the story on comment blog but, I would be willing to. I am a good guy and I have learned my lesson and am trying to move in my life. If you can help me I would appreciate it. Thanks.

Here's my comment. No, I don't care to help you. Know why? I don't like helping people who want to paralyze someone over their own laziness. Until you prove that the news sources have removed this information, then it is still in the public domain and my post will remain up. Nothing I've seen so far on the internet has proven that these reports have been anything other than accurate. Writing to someone and threatening to PARALYZE them because you got a fucking B- is WRONG. Just in case you didn't know.

See, there's this little thing called a "grade appeal." It's where the university recognizes that sometimes mistakes in grading happen, and they give you a good opportunity to prove yourself wronged. They send these appeals to blind readers -- no, no profs with seeing eye dogs, but people who don't know you from Adam; they judge your work without any names on it, and without any references to "Oh, this is that whack-job who threatened his professor with bodily injury over a B-." So you see, you get a fair shake.

Just because you feel embarrassed by the incident is not a valid reason to not cite information already listed in multiple news sources and found on your local LexisNexis link -- a link I'm sure you're familiar with through university research. I'm sure your time at the university will also inform you that asking people not to discuss something in the public domain is also without any merit whatsoever. And if you'd like to file for slander, well, I'll save you the leg work and tell you what the burden of proof is: your employer or future fiance has to present paperwork telling you explicitly, "Mr. Tsirogiannis, you are not receiving this job/this marriage because I read about you on Dante's Virgil's blog. It is entirely due to this blog that we are denying you employment/spouse." Because other than that, you're up a shit creek without a paddle, babe.

Let's make it simpler.

The post stays. It stays until you present me with a court order to tear it down. And you know why it stays? Because you are not any more special than anyone else on the planet.

You made a choice, and you'll deal with the consequences. You claim to have learned a lesson, but going around emailing/commenting to bloggers and whining about their right to blog about things clearly proves you still think you're entitled to special treatment. News flash: You're NOT. You are very lucky you got a misdemeanor. Terroristic threatening, which is what you did, can also be considered a felony -- a thing I'd be pushing for hardcore if you pulled that shit with me.

You should probably try to freewrite about this incident. Your prompt could be: Reflect on why threatening people is a douchebag move to make. Write for 15 minutes without stopping. Maybe that'll slow you down the next time you think you need to threaten to cripple one of your teachers because you chose not to study harder or figure out how to file the appropriate paperwork.

Frankly, if you were in my class, you'd have met a bigger pair of balls than the one you seem to have encountered already.

And it's Ms. Contemplator, thank you very much.

I'll be expecting that writing assignment by the end of the week. Off with you.

-- DV


Blogger amtpsu said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger contemplator said...

The links are "outdated" because the story happened in the past.

And believe me, newspapers love a good story about an abusive professor. I'm sure they'd have been all over it.

I'm not interested in your copy of the police report.

What I'm more interested in is why your email didn't say "Why did you try to take advantage of me by asking me to drink when I wasn't 21?"

Why does your email just bitch about wanting a different grade? Not even the threat of exposing his abuse? That would've probably worked better -- if it really happened, since the article says you told the police you'd just felt like you deserved a better grade because of your "hard work." Why doesn't your email talk about his abuse of power? Why does it imply in the very first line that you had threatened him a number of times already? "I'm going to warn you one last chance."

Again, your behavior clearly demonstrates you haven't learned anything AT ALL from this incident.

When does threatening to paralyze somebody ever become OK? Think carefully: you may see the question again on a test...

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger amtpsu said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger contemplator said...

I can see why you got that B-, which seems to be pretty generous, actually.

It's not 15 minutes of fame for the professor, dumbass. Nobody was reporting about him

It's 15 minutes of shame for you, because of what YOU did. They were reporting about you.

People based their opinions about what you wrote in that email. It's pretty easy to make a "quick" judgment over someone repeatedly threatening to put a person in a wheelchair. What alternate conclusion is a person supposed to draw from your own words? You said you very much cared about grades in your own email.

These are not things people are making up about you -- they are things you have said about yourself.

But by all means, feel free to keep stalking my blog and making up excuses.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger amtpsu said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger contemplator said...

Oh, your email said what you wanted it to say, alright. It was incredibly clear. You got an "A" for getting that message across.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger contemplator said...

Look, all this seems like blaming the victim.

I know you want to cast yourself as the victim -- and that's pretty typical in cases where students don't want to take responsibility for themselves and their actions.

But at the end of a semester's worth of all this "abuse", you coldly and calculatedly said that all you really wanted was a better grade that reflected "all your hard work." It doesn't have the ring of truth to it.

What it does show, is that you are more interested in self-promotion and threats than you are in procedures and going through channels that are set up to ensure you don't get taken advantage of in the grading process.

That's incredibly evident by your behavior then and your failure to learn from it even one year since.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger contemplator said...

Oh, and in other lies you've told here,

1) the campus paper did not "remove" the article about your incident. It is simply archived because it aged out. You can still get to the link and it was never retracted.

2) the prof is *not* "fired" from your school. He is, however, a visiting professor. That means he's on loan from another school, so he may not be there all the time. But he is certainly not fired.

3) the police say you sent emails that got progressively more threatening -- and none of them mention any abuse whatsoever.

But why expect the truth from a finance major in this kind of economy?

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger JP said...

Egads! Is this conversation happening in real time? I checked this post an hour ago and there were only two comments! The comments for this post are flying faster than backhanded compliments in an English peer review session.

Sexual predators are real. Anyone who watches SVU knows that. But rape and sexual misconduct are inflammatory accusations that are frequently brought against a victim by the actual criminal in a scenario in order to garner sympathy. Even here in my rinky-dink town, a young man was easily apprehended after murdering the high school janitor, and he claimed that the janitor had molested him years earlier; however, there was no evidence to support his accusation. The police, media, or whoever else you'd like to blame just can't take your word for it that someone made inappropriate advances toward you. Anyone can make such a claim. There must be proof to back it up.

Teachers frequently have such accusations made against them by students looking to get revenge for a bad grade. Nothing about your email indicates that you were addressing this man's misconduct. Why not drop the class? Why not, as Virgil pointed out, file for a grade appeal? Why not threaten to expose his misconduct if he didn't give you a better grade? (Blackmail isn't much better, but at least it would have made sense.)

By your own admission, you actually did do what was reported. Whether you were actually assaulted or not is tangentially related to what happened, but it doesn't act as a temporal eraser that should remove your incident from public record.

(Point for the third-party JP who isn't even involved.)

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger contemplator said...

I wonder what the prof would think if he knew this student was going around saying that was a sexual predator?

Because posting that kind of accusation in a public place (which the internet is) is heading into territory where the prof could slap Apollo with a slander/libel case.

Maybe he'd be interested in knowing about this development...

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger amtpsu said...

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Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger amtpsu said...

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Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger JP said...

Just because other sources have retracted their stories, that doesn't prove anything. They may have simply preferred to just delete an old story no one was reading anymore rather than deal with your bitching. Along the same lines, if the professor has been fired, that doesn't prove your claim either. He could have been fired for any number of reasons.

Unless you have legitimate proof that this professor acted inappropriately, I don't see why Virgil should censor herself just because you're REALLY super sorry with a cherry on top.

(But thank you for a very pleasant diversion while I'm at work :) )

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger contemplator said...

There is no indication that other papers have *retracted* the story.

When a newspaper decides to retract a story, it prints a retraction notice. It doesn't drop the article off the face of the earth. That's called "responsible journalism".

As in, they take responsibility for something they've screwed up. I realize this is a foreign concept for you, though.

As to the visiting prof, his contract was up for Spring semester 2009. He is no longer at Penn State because his fucking contract expired with them, NOT because he is fired. So yes, if you call up the school they will tell you he no longer works there, because the university who "leased" him out for two years has him back now.

What is so hard to understand about this?

You're a liar.

The police themselves talked about your earlier emails. No abuse was reported and they reported that you got progressively more threatening as the emails went on.

So, I'll repeat for clarity: You are a liar.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger amtpsu said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger contemplator said...

Additionally, I wonder what the school paper would think if they knew that Apollo was going around accusing this prof of being a sexual predator and asking bloggers to remove the story.

Clearly, he's trying to systematically remove the public record about himself and replace it with a revisionist history of the event, and wants the school paper to be complicit in that.

I wonder what they'd think of all this?

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger contemplator said...

I love how the convenient details of this story continue to shift when one is confronted with the logic of the situation.

Your prof was not fired. He taught up and through his contract. He left after the spring semester of 2009 because his contract was up.

You are a liar. You give all students a bad name and you make the stereotype about lazy students even worse. Instead of trying to salvage what little dignity you have left, you go pester the adults on the internet, whining about how it's just not *fair* to give that professor 15 minutes of fame, when what people were reacting to was the shocking act that YOU committed, that you were convicted of based on clearly documented *evidence*. I'm sure a court would've taken these "other" emails into account, and I'm sure the papers would've loved to print this new twist in developments. You're a liar.

I'm not removing this blog post.

And everyone who knows me in real life is laughing themselves stupid right now at the concept of what it would take for me to remove the blog post. You picked the wrong person.

A member of law enforcement is going to have to serve me papers before I would even give it a second thought. And even then, I would see you in court over it.

I'm not taking it down.

You don't have the right to dictate to others what to talk about. You don't have the right to threaten other people with paralyzation because you got a B- instead of an A.

Life does not revolve around you. Quit acting as if it does.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger amtpsu said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger amtpsu said...

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Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger contemplator said...

I'm not going to tell you to stop commenting on the blog, because I don't restrict people's right to say what they want to unless it somehow damages somebody else in a malicious way.

Ironic, in light of the fact that you'd like me to stop commenting on this situation on my blog.

I don't want you to "do" anything, frankly.

I would hope that you realize going around telling people not to talk about it doesn't demonstrate that you've learned anything by the experience.

I would also hope that you think long and hard about continuing to allege that this professor is a "predator." What you are saying doesn't make sense and cannot be proven. You are also alleging things that are not true, such as him being fired and newspapers "retracting" the story.

In short, I would hope that you would fucking think about what you're doing before it becomes an even bigger shit storm than it already was.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger amtpsu said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger amtpsu said...

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Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger amtpsu said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger contemplator said...

Look -- I'm not going to stop commenting on the blog. Let's get that straight. It's my blog and I'll do with it what I want.

Your prof was only there for 2007-9. That's *normal*. He wasn't fired, his contract expired. It is normal for "visiting" professors to only be there for a couple of years, and his original contract states explicitly "2007-2009"; he is committed to his home university, and they want him back sometime. They don't loan them out forever, you know.

The links to the newspapers are "dead" because the story is old and they are in the archives. Besides, you didn't get much press anyway -- very little press, in fact, because people didn't consider you very important. Retractions, as in admissions that the story was wrong, are printed in the papers. They don't just make the story vanish into thin air. The articles are there in the archives. They didn't take it down -- it's archived.

There is very convincing evidence about this situation -- your emails to the prof, which the police still have.

You're getting "picked on" at Penn? Seriously? Ever thought about reporting that? Incidentally, what are you getting picked on for? Terroristically threatening to cripple a prof? Turns out people don't like that kind of behavior, I see. Take your emails to the cops and file a complaint against the prof, if he really did that to you.

I'm not "finding it in my heart" to take the post down. What I have more sympathy for is a person who was terrorized with grave bodily injury -- over a fucking B-. That's what I have in sympathy for in my heart right now. The pay is too shitty to have to put up with entitled, self-righteous students who feel like that a 10% grade bump is worth another person spending a lifetime in a wheelchair.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, this is pretty ridiculous. You want people to stop talking about your story, so you go around talking to bloggers about your story? If you had just left well enough alone, I'm sure DV and any other blogger you've contacted would have FORGOTTEN about you.

If putting your name into Google brings back this story, well, tough shit. I'm sure you can just explain to future employers that the professor was a predator, and then they'll see your side of things.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger amtpsu said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger contemplator said...

I really should go to work for the FBI.

Start telling the truth. Then I'll think about helping you.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger amtpsu said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Anonymous BWP said...

I am incredibly disappointed that amtpsu has stopped posting, because watching him get stomped down repeatedly is almost unbearably entertaining.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Anonymous BWP said...

Excellent, he posted just before I did!

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger contemplator said...

Wow, you're really going through every student whine tactic in the playbook, aren't you? Changing the story when you're caught up in the facts, pulling the "help me Obi-Wan, you're my only hope" tactic; continuing to insist that there must be something -- anything, just name it -- that will get you what you want; flattery (my opinion really matters to you); and the offer of "exclusive" material.

I realize that you probably aren't used to being told "No." But ...


I am not taking the blog down. I am not kowtowing to your whiny demands. Your story is full of holes and your attitude shows you haven't learned a damned thing.

Geez, imagine what you'd be like if you were threatening somebody!

It makes no sense that you'd want to show an anonymous blogger, whose opinion you really, really care about (because she has something you desperately want) material that no one else has seen, material that will vindicate you!

Take it to the papers. When they print it, I will post about it on my blog with the title: Exciting Turn of Events for Student Snowflake! Or some other catchy title.

Incidentally, it's not a crime for a professor to ask you to go to the bar. Hell, some of my former professors held class in a bar. You are accusing this man of being a predator. This is the internet -- a public place. He could slap you with a very nice little lawsuit if you don't quit saying such things without proof.

I suggest you start working on your defense for your future employers. Work up an explanation -- a much better one than the crap you've posted here -- for them.

I'll let you know if they contact me for a reference.

Monday, 08 June, 2009  
Blogger contemplator said...

Incidentally, is "please remove these bloggers..."

... considered to be a threat? :D

Tuesday, 09 June, 2009  
Blogger amtpsu said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Tuesday, 09 June, 2009  
Anonymous BWP said...

I am the terror that flaps in the night! I am the squeegee that cleans your windows. I AM...

Oh, wait. You aren't a duck-themed, crime fighting vigilante. Just a college student who seriously hasn't shown any evidence to support his or her statements trying to garner sympathy.

My mistake :)

Tuesday, 09 June, 2009  
Blogger amtpsu said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Tuesday, 09 June, 2009  
Blogger amtpsu said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Tuesday, 09 June, 2009  
Blogger amtpsu said...

What do you guys want from me? YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME. Why can't you just get your own life, and stay out of mine. None of you were there and it makes you look like all do is worry about other peoples mistakes. I really do recommend you see a pschologist because this isn't healthy for you. You wine about your pay, and like I have something do with it. Then I am a liar. But, when I tell you if you want additional info you don't respond. I think all you like to do is ruin other peoples lives because you simply don't have one especially starting a blog about someone you never met before. Who cares if your teacher or a professor you never met me. Who cares if you hold a PHD who the hell are you to judge. From what it seems you are some educator who hates his job and probably has never been through something difficult in their life. You said all finance majors are liars? Your judgements are ridiculous. And to be a teacher and curse the way you do I can tell you don't respect others. From your profile is says you are 31 start acting like it and just grow up. Your nobody, all do is talk trash about other people you never met. GIVE YOURSELF A PAT ON THE BACK.

Tuesday, 09 June, 2009  
Blogger JP said...

Respect is earned, chief. Virgil doesn't dole out the feel-goods to anyone for no good reason, and she shouldn't do so.

(Why you keep calling her a "he" after she's repeatedly corrected you on this is beyond me.)

Her blog is hardly "about" you. Don't flatter yourself. You would have faded into the ether of internet obscurity if you hadn't decided to go on a virtual censorship bender.

Besides, your notoriety is part of the consequences in this age. I know you'd like to think that "moving on" means that everyone can simply forget about your misdeeds, but that just isn't the case. You bungled up, and the consequences often go further than legal ramifications. If I rob a gas station, I may only serve a year in prison, but I guarantee that I'd lose a lot of friends for the rest of my life. These are the consequences of the society we live in.

Whether you like it or not, your misdeed became part of the public record. Students threatening teachers is a very real and very serious issue in schools. As a teacher, Virgil has a vested interest in such stories. If she wants to mock you mercilessly, you damn well deserve it for being so recklessly stupid with your comments.

The delicious irony of you using the internet to threaten a teacher and the internet now being used to ruin your life is so finger-licking good that I just might have seconds. Waiter! Does that irony come with a cherry on top?

How does the thought "I'll threaten to break my teacher's legs if I don't get a better grade" go through your head without a little voice somewhere saying, "Hey, this might not be such a hot idea. There could be negative consequences to this."

Tuesday, 09 June, 2009  
Blogger amtpsu said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Tuesday, 09 June, 2009  
Blogger JP said...

"Simply Jp this wasn't just a threat. This professor targeted me and I threatened him. He fucked with me for the entire semester. Its not like I got up one day and threatened him. It was a build up of anger throughout the entire semester."

As Virgil has pointed out many times, you have no evidence of any of this, and even if it were true, you could have dropped the class at any time, taken your complaints to academic affairs or even the dean, or if the situation warranted it, called the police.

"Correct yourself because you think you know the situation and you don't. Robbing a gas station has nothing to do with my situation. So don't bring that up."

That's what we who use the language like to call a metaphor. I was using a different scenario to illustrate the logical fallacy in your own argument.

"Yes, that internet threat to him was a warning for what at that time I was going to do next. So it was either threaten him through an email or kick his ass at that time."

So you actually were planning to paralyze the man??? How very grown-up of you.


Never said you did. Threatening just one with bodily harm is bad enough.

"People get threatened everyday and a professor is no more superior than an average human being."

Right. Threatening ANYONE with bodily harm is equally illegal. But Virgil is a college instructor and I was one not too long ago, so the situation applies to us directly.

"You guys made it into a big deal. The only reason I am commenting is because its my name and my life and I will make sure nobody and I mean nobody controls it."

You control your own life, and you have to live with the consequences of how your words affect others and are interpreted by others. Virgil happens to run a personal blog for no profit and for her own enjoyment, but she could just as easily have been working on a blog for a news organization and plastered your story all over the place. People can say whatever they want within the bounds of the law. It's not libel because nothing printed here is untrue. You just don't like that your dirty laundry is still available for public consumption. That's a shame.


That will certainly be easier for me than for you. *I* don't have any internet-wide news stories about my sordid past for employers to find.

The ball, sir, is in your court.

Tuesday, 09 June, 2009  
Blogger amtpsu said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Tuesday, 09 June, 2009  
Blogger amtpsu said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Tuesday, 09 June, 2009  
Blogger contemplator said...

Oh, and incidentally, I'm already further in life than you are:

1) I don't have a criminal record

2) I'm employed

Wednesday, 10 June, 2009  
Blogger contemplator said...

Here's my favorite part of one of the so-called "deleted" comments -- saved, of course, as blogger always does, in an email.

I would love for him to slap me with a lawsuit because I told the truth about him and exposed him he is a predator and I am not taking it back. That professor didn't understand the value of life and loved attention. He simply wanted to be cool and promote alcohol. He messed with the wrong student. A person like me who will bring down corruption and promote a healthy well being in life. There is something simply wrong with these universities THEY ARE TO CORRUPT. A person like him shouldn't have a title called a professor. Society labeled me a criminal I just look at as taking down one more predator off the street. I will carry this with me to my grave.

It's almost as good as this, also saved via email:

This fake professor needed a lesson something that someone hasn't taught him. He needed something taken away. And at that time a wheel chair was pretty fucking reasonable.

amtpsu, you might just get your wish to be slapped with a lawsuit. And you can certainly expect these things to pop up in your next meeting.

Your prof's predator status rests on "promoting alcohol"? And in one of your previous comments you said that he messed with the wrong student because you promote health?! LOLOLOLOL.

Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them needs a second edition just to include you.

I see you've been rethinking the wisdom of all your previous posts. And I'm not surprised that your last post ended with a threat. It is the student's weapon of last resort, after all.

But by all means, keep google-bombing yourself. Any institution that's dumb enough to hire you is in for a wild ride, obviously. What will you do if you get a mean boss, threaten him? If coworkers ask you out for drinks after work will you unleash a Health Jihad on them?

Seriously. Meds, or something, man.

Wednesday, 10 June, 2009  
Anonymous pyroevanes said...

So, I stop reading this blog for a couple weeks and I miss all this? This is better than television.
I missed my cue for so many witty comments. It makes me sad.

Friday, 12 June, 2009  
Blogger contemplator said...

Yes. You missed some choice bits.

But, as our good buddy knows, I still have all the comments in emails.

So, you can read them when you want -- as can anybody else, if they ask for them.

Oh -- and there are other things to do besides read my blog?! Who knew?

Saturday, 13 June, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow i do believe in freedom of speech but what do you gain in keeping this blog up. The professor was fired due to his un-natural relationship with some of his students. And some of the Professor did find it odd that he would ask his students to "hang out." Which i believe is crossing the line.this could have really effected students if the school believe that grades were not true due to teacher student relationship.Who protects the students that work hard and pay alot of money for their education. We all know that grades do get affected if the teacher did or didn't like you. And some people feel forced to do things they didn't want to do just to have a good grade. And if you don't then your grades are threaten. The News always make things seem like they are not. Its clear to me that the kid learned his lesson and if he was in fault don't you think he would be in jail right now. I disagree with his actions and how he handle things. But i could put money on it that everyone has lost their cool and said some harsh things. Due to my religious beliefs when someone ask for forgiveness or help we do so because we should love eachother. Be there for eachother. I bet that if this was what you did you would wish it away and try to get it removed. He did say he threaten a teacher and i see that it was big of him because he could lie till his face were blue but he didn't. And whos to say that if he did give you the report you want, you would hold your word to it. Look i hope you look into your heart to do the right thing. Let god do his job and judge him. In the end he will have to live with this and he would tell his children about this part of his life. Lets do good for others and help others. Thank you for your time Ms. Contemplator. I hope you do the right thing.

Friday, 18 September, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a little limerick I found about this dope.

Tuesday, 13 October, 2009  
Blogger Andrei Simonov said...

This fellow is something...

Thursday, 25 February, 2010  

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