Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Why, Hello There!

So, it's been a while. How have you been? Me? Oh, I've been ... well, nuts. Thanks for asking.

We closed on the house, were supposed to move, and then a giant snowstorm hit. So then we rescheduled for the day after the university started back, and the movers came -- and a giant snowstorm hit. We've spent the past 2 1/2 weeks trying to put the house in order. It's most definitely very livable, but we're still not done. I'm planning on trying to finish putting things in order this weekend -- during the middle of the next giant snowstorm. Honestly, though, that's how West Virginia winters are supposed to be. The past few years we've had it pretty mild and have suffered droughts in the warmer periods as a result.

I love my little house. It's probably not everybody's cup of tea and there is probably a great deal of pride of place going on that helps me gloss over its faults, but I am absolutely in love with it, and everybody else who lives there seems to be as well, including the cats. I like what I see when I look out my windows. I love my fully remodeled basement, which makes what looks like a tiny house on the outside doubled in space on the inside. I like the fact that I have an extra city lot attached to mine, which doubles my yard. I love my little deck off the kitchen. I like my showers. I'm in love with my house. Probably a good thing, given its 30 year mortgage.

I have also fallen in love with Freecycle. I've given away excess furniture, books, games, cat stuff, even the boxes we moved with on Freecycle. I cannot say enough about how fantastic that site is. We're planning on using it for the local Boys & Girls Club to get some of the things they need. If you need stuff or want to offload stuff, all it costs you is wading through a few emails and arranging pick up.

After we got moved in, we got sick. All of us. Yay! No rest for the wicked. (Or is it the weary? I think we'd qualify as both.) So I sit here with an industrial box of tissues and Tylenol Cold & Sinus on either side of me. Oh, and in related medical news, the dentist says my wisdom teeth need to come out. So, Spring Break is going to involve Novocain and a visit to I. Yankum, Dentist. Maybe while I'm groggy I'll imagine I'm on a beach somewhere.

Other random notes include the fact that more than one couple I know who've been married for what seems like forever are busy falling apart and divorcing with the new year. Maybe there is something about the concept of resolution that gives people motivation to do it? I guess problems like that brew for years with no resolution, but when couples who seem rock solid begin to crumble, it shakes you a bit. If they couldn't do it, what on earth does it take? El Hijo and I are in a really good place in our marriage. It seems really scary to think that fifteen years later, it'll all blow up. Isn't it supposed to get stronger over time?

Also randomly, I miss having real friends. I don't like drama and I don't like people who keep things from me and hope I won't notice, and I've had my share of both this past week. I think I need to make more of an effort to expand my circle and/or bring back those people who I care about deeply but live apart from or whatever.

Upcoming blog posts include the fact that I published a story, commentary on Facebook, issues with the Humanities, and other minutia that seem to only be interesting to me.

-- DV

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