Sunday, January 19, 2014

I Don't Know

A particularly baffling boy came through the door earlier this week.  He was a Biology major.  Ask me what his grades were in Biology...

So we went through the usual stuff:  the probation contract and what it entails, attempted discussion about why he screwed up last semester, etc.  The problem manifested itself instantly.

So...what do you think went wrong last semester?
I don't know.
No ideas?  Why do you think you failed these Bio classes?
I don't know.
(With a bit of frustration) OK.  So you're here, now, on academic probation.  Any thoughts about that?
I don't know.
(Me, hoping to find some sort of realistic inroad with this guy based on his hopes for his future):  Alright.  So tell me, what are you thinking about doing with your Bio degree after college?
I don't know.
No ideas at all?  Why did you pick this major?
I don't know.
(Very frustrated) You don't know?  OK...does that mean you took the course catalog, flipped through it and put your finger down and picked a major?  (Kid looks up.)  I'm not trying to make fun of you, OK, but this is a difficult major, and people usually have reasons for selecting it.  For instance, they think they want to go on to med school, or their parents think they ought to be a doctor or what have you.
Kid:  I don't know.  It's what my friends were signing up for, so I guess I just did it too.

At this point we signed papers, discussed terms of academic probation and a brief discussion about how if you don't have any idea what you're doing and where you'd like to go, you are likely to end up exactly where you find yourself right now.  He thanked me and left.

Will he get off academic probation?

I don't know.



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