Stepping Out For A While...
I'm going away for a few weeks, boys & girls. I'll be back in time to start a new season of teaching drunken freshmen. I'm not moderating comments during this time, so anything goes, but at least give me the courtesy of not pooping in the house. I'll likely not be checking email or having any other access to the Internet. And I like it that way.
Animals, please don't fight. Mommy doesn't want to come home to a torn up house.
-- Virgil
Have a great holiday. I'll miss checking your blog while you're away.
I'll do my very best to be nice around these parts, although it might be kinda hard with rabid livestock running around.
Have a great break!
They say a change or a break's as good as a holiday - personally I think they wrote it on holiday, but who knows.
Best wishes for the break and the upcoming year honey. Who know's maybe I'll be privileged enough to visit your Nature Reserve.
(Oh and trust me puppy when I say no-one cares about your state of arousal.)
I take it you have crossed me off of your love letter list.
That's a very short list and you've as much chance of making it as one of your farts has of winning the Nobel Prize for Literature, which just happens to be a lifetime achievement award!
No offense puppy. :-)
So, I guess this means that you are a love child who sends hate mail.
Oh puppy, you just don't get it do you?
I don't "like" you.
I don't "hate" you either.
Please stop kidding yourself that you rate anything more or less than a big fat zero in my book.
Were you even aware that I was just teasing you, looking for reactions?
Awwww, puppy just admitted to trying to pick a fight. Bad dog!
And once again - you just don't get it do you or else you wouldn't even have tried.
You really take yourself seriously. How old are you anyway?
I don't have grey round my muzzle like you if that's what you're asking puppy.
My guess is saying that someone is a big fat zero is essentially the same as expressing extraordinary dislike.
But don't worry, md. You're still on my love letter list. :) I just haven't got the time to read them all. *sigh* /dramatic diva.
nah, it was a -10 to 10 scale, not a 0 to 10. Negative emotions have a negative score.
Well, all right, Bambi. Now on a different note, you should go to and look for a guy named 'Julian'. I think you and him are perfect for each other.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and pretend you were trying to help puppy, but frankly I'd prefer a less complicated love live, not an extra tool in my box.
(a slightly more cynical version sees an invite onto one of the sites you doubtless hang round on. Don't worry, benefit of the doubt still applies)
You should ask Julian about what a great guy I am.
Well you sleep with him then, leave me out of it.
Nope. I'm 100% hetero.
Have you even tried, or once again are you arguing from ignorance?
Hey, do what you want girl. See if I care.
So you're finally done pimping out your bum buddy?
OK, stop it. Reread what I asked about fighting in this post.
It's not cool to come home to a shitload of emails where you two have been fighting back and forth.
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