Monday, January 08, 2007

Of All The Luck

Well, I thought the first day back to classes went off without a hitch. I didn't feel very prepared today. I reworked my courses and I feel they're stronger than last semester, so it wasn't as if I was unprepared. If anything, I was even more prepared academically. I think it's because I haven't been home long enough to get back into the mindset of my life here.

I finished installing the blog for my students. It's called Generation Back Talk, and it's linked in my sidebar. All comments on that blog are moderated, so no one can mess with the kiddies. We'll see how it works. My expectations are moderate.

I said previously that I thought the first day back went off without a hitch. Well didn't thought think wrong! After discovering the Orwellian nature of this university and feeling quite angry on behalf of a friend, I realized something else much more trivial but no less horrifying...

...I taught the first day of classes in both sections with my fly completely unzipped.

As my Undesirable Element friend has heard me say a thousand times already today, I think my sweater covered it.

-- Virgil

P.S. TUE--Is it any coincidence that I walked our bad luck charm across the street today and nothing happens to her but MY luck turns sour?! I think this is yet further evidence...See you for Connor Coors.


Blogger JP said...

Yea, we've already decided that bad stuff may happen to her, but the worst stuff happens to those around her (my speeding tickets, Wiwek's potential deportation, unexamined zippers, etc.).

Just accept that you've fallen into her bad karma and let it go.

PS: Be prepared for a long and vicious diatribe (possibly multi-segmented) regarding our COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS University and academia in general. I want to wait a few days to build up some good ammunition (and to give Google some time to get my name disassociated with my blog :) ).

~ JP (or TUE)

Tuesday, 09 January, 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

I absolutely love the name for your student's blog. From what I saw while I was in college, sadly it is very accurate. The students I was in classes with seemed to think that everything should be handed to them and that they shouldn't have to work for anything. The majority had no work ethic whatsoever and had no respect for authority in any form. It makes me wonder what our country and politics are going to be like when this generation takes over and is old enough to run for public office.

I'm sorry to hear about your fly being open. I'm sure your sweater covered it.

Tuesday, 09 January, 2007  
Blogger contemplator said...

Kari, I asked them once last semester what they made of the fact that their age group makes up 25% of the voting population. And do you know what a lot of them said? They didn't think that people as uneducated as themselves should have so much power. I guess that means they want to be disenfranchised?

TUE- I'm about three steps away from a personal and NON-anonymous rant on our completely anonymous university.

Tuesday, 09 January, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First one to blog about teacher's fly being open gets an F. :D

Tuesday, 09 January, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suppose I comment on the teacher's fly being open, but do so in a flattering way?

Friday, 19 January, 2007  

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