Thursday, February 01, 2007

Le Rant

I expect life to throw me the occasional curve balls to deal with. I like to think I've grown enough to take them in stride, perhaps even with something of a graceful swing.

But it's the little, shitty things that people do that absolutely drive me over the edge.

I hate people with big egos. Period. I'm not talking about healthy self-esteem. I'm talking about those who always have to be right, who continually twist things around so they're still not somehow wrong, and who have to have their ego stroked or they get hurt feelings.

We had one of our non-profit members quit because her ego wasn't getting stroked enough. Not exactly in my job description. And although it made it difficult for about 5 minutes, it wasn't as though we weren't doing most of her work anyway. Now I find out all the things she actually claimed she did, she didn't do. So that leaves me & my Director/Buddy to do them. We work 25 hours and 30 hours per week, respectively. She didn't even finish out her government contract. So we're stuck both cleaning up the mess she made and trying to do what didn't get done. This is non-fucking-profit. Leave your ass at home if you're in it for glory. There isn't any. We work out of a trailer, for godssake, and we're in the top three biggest literacy programs of the state. I run the biggest volunteer tutor recruitment program in the state. And if you could see me typing right now, you wouldn't have much hope for the future of literacy. Quit making it harder on everybody. It's hard enough as it is.

And then ANOTHER person with a big ego came to one of my "bosses" at the university to say that somehow I had ruined her reputation because I'd failed one of her athletes. Although I had said nor done anything towards this person besides fail her athlete, somehow I'm partially responsible for her uber-competitive nature blowing things out of proportion. So I was asked nicely to help put out a fire. Which just started one with me.

And in that vein, eventually my department will realize that it's not a good idea to ask me to roll over for somebody else's hurt ego. Nope. Not gonna do it. She's the one that needs an attitude adjustment; so why are you talking to me? Just so you can say you did talk to me. I had a nice little rant about backing down to certain other departments and my right to say what I wanted to. After all, if you call me to the mat and then preface your words by "Now, you didn't do anything wrong, BUT," you should probably rethink why you're telling me what comes next.

My polite but sarcastic suggestion that I would be more than happy to facilitate a meeting between this woman and myself to clear up any misunderstandings was hastily rejected. At this point, maybe I'll introduce the two egomaniacs to each other, and they can have coffee or something.


-- Virgil


Blogger JP said...

The bullshit passive-aggressive nonsense that our "bosses" try to pull really pisses me off. This is why our department is the shit-ass laughingstock of the university. No one with any position of authority wants to stand up and say, "YOU KNOW WHAT! WHAT WE DO FUCKING MATTERS!" Instead we have to pander to the rest of the university.

And the athletic department is a damn fine example. Yes, let's just let your athletes miss 8 or 9 classes with no penalty while everyone else must show up every day. It's not like anything we do in class really matters anyway.

For all the praise we hear from our "bosses," I'm not surprised that they shit all over us when our backs are turned. "Oh, don't blame us for that, the stupid newbie grad students are the ones who teach 101."

GRAR. I guess that's a long comment. I'm sure you can handle it. :)

Thursday, 01 February, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of these coaches are so out of line. They actually think theyr'e royalty in some cases. I never feel sorry for their stupid little problems.

Friday, 02 February, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stick to your guns there honey.

If the poor bastards at Yale hadn't rolled over and given Dubbya Cs, the world would've been a better place!

(I hear you loud and clear with your 3rd paragraph too btw)

Friday, 02 February, 2007  
Blogger contemplator said...

Well, I have no position of authority, but seems like a paraphrase of "YOU KNOW WHAT? WHAT WE DO FUCKING MATTERS" came out of my mouth at some point. The conversation was so awkward that eventually he just changed the subject, because I was good and riled up. It was actually kind of funny, if only for the facial reactions.

I made specific comments to him about absolutely not making this seem in anyway my fault, and that's when I offered to meet with her and clarify. It was hastily declined.

If I'm not careful, I'm going to get a reputation for being a shit-stirrer.

Friday, 02 February, 2007  
Blogger contemplator said...

Ooh, forgot to add, I'm being "observed" by said boss today. :D

We're doing political cartoons in class. I'm hoping it's an uncomfortable experience...

Friday, 02 February, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Contemplator said - If I'm not careful, I'm going to get a reputation for being a shit-stirrer.

I'll shush, because that sounds like a good thing in my book! :D

Friday, 02 February, 2007  
Blogger Appletini said...

In my earlier days -- the academic days -- I failed more than one athlete. And, these were football players at a university in a state where football is tied for first place with Baptist as the most popular religion.

I got hauled in and read the riot act, but I said I wouldn't budge on the grades (in all cases, the student had NEVER attended the class except to take the final).

Standard procedure was that they'd go ahead and change the grade anyway. I just didn't want to be a part of it.

Just one more reason I hated the damn academic rat race.

Friday, 02 February, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem in America today is that too many people have a sense of entitlement. There are too many who feel that it is okay to get something for nothing. If you skim the news, you will find reports of parents who place undue pressure upon teachers, schools and towns, simply because their kid is not getting top grades.

My cousin and his wife, have told me that in affluent Georgetown, near Washington DC, that this problem is maximized. The parents refuse to accept any responsibility for their child's poor performance, and blame it on the school. Places like that have reportedly become lawsuit crazy.

Meanwhile, because the school has its hands tied, these wealthy brats wreak all kinds of havoc. I have heard reports of some children getting their arms broken, with the complaints being reported to the parents, who them blame the school.

At a university where my mother teaches, in affluent connecticut, she tells me that there have been a number of cheaters, in many cases, from rich families. Instead of caving in like the other professors, she has stood her ground like a marine at Iwo Jima, refusing to back down from overwhelming fire from the administration, as well as the crooked parents. I salute her for that.

When I hear of incidents like this, I become greatly frustrated, I get images of disciplinarians like Sgt. Hartman in my mind. The kind of authority that doesn't put up with crap, and has the ability to straighten people out.

The slacker students are the ones who don't bother me, they only hurt themselves. It is the bullies, jocks (not the honest, hard working ones) and cheaters that piss me off. The reason is that because these are the ones who hurt the other students, as well as lower the standards of education.

Friday, 02 February, 2007  

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