Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I've been busier than a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest.

I can smell Fall in the air, and I absolutely love it. It's like a crisp, white shirt or a newly sharpened pencil. There's something so direct and refreshing about Fall.

I had a great visit with Dante over the Labor Day break. We had fun on his new skates and generally enjoyed just goofing around. And to the bitch housewife who thinks that because he doesn't live under my roof he must not get much from me--fuck you. If you have that little imagination, I fear for your own kids. Fuck off of mine, he's doing great. Just because I don't post it for your beady little eyes to read doesn't mean it isn't happening. Idiot.

::Smoothes dress:: ::Returns to lady-like behavior::

Now then.

My class full of freshmen are doing pretty good. Freshmen are so cute to watch. I know not all instructors feel this way, but I rather like my group of kids. They're so open with me about what they're thinking, and bless their hearts, they're so readable. I know when they're holding back and I can always tell when they're up to something. I work really hard to build trust and seem approachable. I wear jeans in the classroom and I sit on top of the desk. There are so many preconceived notions of the power relationship they think they are supposed to endure with their teacher. I work really hard to get them to trust themselves and their voice. Even though they tell me WAY too much about their private lives. What they do with what I present is up to them. But it's really rewarding to watch someone's eyes light up when they find their voice.

We got better digs at the nonprofit office. So my life there has consisted of trying to unpack boxes and cussing and snorting about "Where in the hell did THAT go??!!" I'm grateful for the space, but we have lost so much in the way of service just by having to move most of our crap ourselves. Fortunately, there seems to be a path to the desk that I can use now, so in a week or so, we should be back to normal.

My Ex-JW meetup group is set for this Saturday. Yay! I'm a bit nervous. I'm expecting the suits to call or show up, and I'm wanting to do a really good job in moderating the event. I'd like for it to grow on its own so that I don't have to keep organizing it. One can only hope, I guess.

My own classes in grad school vary from the interesting to the insane. The composition/rhetoric teaching class I have is great. It feels very practical and realistic. I'm all about realism. The other class--biopower and individual sovereignty. WTF?? Sometimes it's really neat to talk about power and the state and cool heady things like that. Sometimes I look around at these people and think: "You just pulled that straight out of your ass, didn't you??" When I get really bored, I have a special statistic I keep in the upper lefthand corner of my notebook. It's labeled "WTF", and whenever anyone talks out of their ass, I put a tick mark. Last class there were 6 tick marks under WTF.

Blogging is probably the last priority I have right now. But it sure feels good as an outlet from the craziness that is my fall semester life right now. So....what are you guys up to?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this is off topic, but Tag! You're it...

Sounds like things are going well!! Good luck with your meeting on Saturday! I'm sure you'll do great! I was laughing at "I'm expecting the suits to call or show up." Too funny!!

Oh, and I love your WTF system. I'll have to incorporate that into my life somehow...

Thursday, 07 September, 2006  
Blogger contemplator said...

It's at 5:00 pm at The Blue Moose Cafe. Hopefully we'll be able to move it to a bar in the future.

I've got people who are interested, but they live pretty far away just to come in for a meetup group. My notice in the paper should raise some interest (and the suits, of course).

Thursday, 07 September, 2006  

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