October Surprise, Bitch.
JP has posted attack after attack in an attempt to paint Virgil and Batmite! in a bad light.
But who is the real JP?
He's leveled charges about Virgil's economic strategies and Batmite's foreign policy plans. He claims to be a "straight talker" who has called Virgil "evil" and Batmite! a "suspicious bearded brown man." JP has even accused Batmite! of having an "extravagant drinking habit and leather fetish." The public wants to know: how exactly do you know that, JP?
Well, somebody better ask JP what he was thinking when he launched his bid for the White House at a party thrown in Batmite's house. That's right, JP's entire political career began in the dining room of that very same "suspicious bearded brown man." As a matter of fact, documents leaked to the press show that JP, Virgil and Batmite! were in talks for a power sharing coalition when JP got greedy and chose to go his own way.
Really? Just how "scared" is JP for your safety? Just this scared:
Looks pretty cozy to us voters, JP.
And now he's acting as though he represents you, when all he really represents is himself. We all remember that post about "I'm Having Fun Looking Out For Number One...". Well, not on our tax dime, mister. Looks like there's only one real description for the way JP has run out on his own supporters:

With JP it's just words, just speeches. Don't be fooled by his grad school vocabulary and his grade school politics ("I'm not your friend anymore!!")
Vote Virgil/Batmite! for a coalition government that represents all colors, all humans, all anime, all fuzzy characters, all luchadores and everyone else that JP thinks are big, fat waste of time. Vote for candidates who really know how to get along.
Vote for Virgil! She knows how to share.
Because of Virgil's support of all anime, I, JP's brother, have decided to endorse her campaign.
Here's to the HBIC!
Brent, there's a cozy ambassadorship to a Carribean island, if you stick with me through election day...
I don't think any of us wants the real JP to "expose" himself. The last time he did that, he got crappy student evaluations.
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