Thursday, March 22, 2007

200th post--W00t!

Yay, post 200! Whatever.

It's time for a celebration of some sort. Spring Break is officially next week. I'm not going anywhere (too much work to do), except to Kentucky for a couple of days to pick up Dante. His Spring Break starts the week after mine ends. He's coming to class with me while I teach. Both he and the students are all jacked up about it. I expect them to get into a disruption contest with each other. I expect Dante to win--he's the pro.

Over Spring Break I'm finishing up two presentation scripts: one for school on service learning, the other to the United Way to keep my damn job going. I'm understandably more concerned about one than the other. I've got a bunch of student essays to grade. I've also got two conference length papers to get a move on. I've actually got about half of both written, which is a first for me. But the hard part is pulling all the research and incorporating that into the idea. It needs to be done now, though, because when Dante gets here, the only research that will be done will likely be on wrestling, video games, and the new cat.

I wish I was going to parts unknown to get parts of my body tanned that don't normally see the sunlight. But at least my Director/Buddy and I have made a plan to go somewhere sunny and island-y for a week at Christmas time. Even though I'm working and researching over Spring Break, it still feels like I ought to do something that's not geared toward school.

So I think I'm speed reading some pulp. (What else would an English academic do in her spare time?) I have a secret addiction to James Bond novels--the Ian Fleming ones, not the later ones. I have Moonraker right now, and I could absolutely inhale it in one night. The novels are, for the most part, different from the movies. Plus, you get a lot of background info about James Bond that makes the movies make more sense. I've also checked out a book I picked up at the library while waiting (in vain) for a tutor to show up. God, I hate when they waste my time. I can't even remember what it's called, but it's about some chick who writes for a (poor) living, and I think she gets bitten by vampires and becomes some sort of socialite vampire thingy? Don't look at me like that! It was absorbing, OK?

So, to sum up, my big Spring Break plans are to mediate, write & research, and read bad fiction.

-- Virgil


Blogger Unknown said...

Congrats on post #200. Sorry to hear that you'll be working during Spring Break, but excited that Dante gets to sit in on your classes. Maybe it'll help your students see what maturity is really like. :-)

Friday, 23 March, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When is your spring break again?

Thursday, 29 March, 2007  

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