Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Public School Rants: Part 3

There are several reasons that both Dante & I have such issues with public schools--and I feel as though I need to say that apart from his 3rd grade year, we both have made good grades in them. The schools still need more work. I have huge issues with presumed authority, and I'm sure he picks that up off of me. But, I don't believe you have to threaten or punish kids to get them to engage in class. If you do, it means you've screwed something up. Fix that screw up first; don't keep taking it out on the kid.

A perfect example of this happened during Dante's 1st grade year. When the little boys decided to be rowdy (or bored, as was usually the case), the teacher would send them to the principal's office; on your third visit, they were told, they got a paddling. Which, of course, is illegal. They would creep down to the office, the Principal would pull out that antiquated board, and the little boys would start to cry and promise to be good. I found out about this, because Dante was nearing his third strike. He was terrified--mainly because he never really remembers what he gets in trouble for, so it could happen at any given moment.

It did not sit well with Mamma.

The conversation went something like this:
D- Momma, if I get sent to Mr. --'s office again, he'll spank me!
V- No, he won't. He isn't allowed.
D- But he showed it to me!
V- He isn't allowed to. He'll never go through with it.
D- But the teacher said he would. They said it's true, Mamma.
*And here I broke an adult conspiracy rule, I'm sure, but I'd have to care. Call a foul on me already.*
V- Baby, it's against the law to hit kids in school. I was in school when they made it against the law. Your teacher and Mr. -- are telling you that because they hope it will scare you into acting like they want you to act. If Mr. -- paddles you, he'll go to jail, because it's against the law. That's provided he lives after Mamma comes down and beats him back with his own paddle. They're just scaring you.

Knowledge is power. Of course, the obligatory "your son is a subversive instigator" report came to me the next time I went to pick him up (from both the teacher and the Principal). Here's what went down. I've never been prouder.

Dante commits some error and is then sent to the Principal, while being told in front of the whole class that this is, in fact, his third visit and he should know what to expect. Lots of gasps from the children. Dante appeared shaken. Dante goes to Principal, who then pulls out said wooden paddle and gives speech about third visits and bad boys. Dante's lip starts poking out and quivering. Principal opens his mouth and Dante jumps to his feet, and in a wavery little voice says:

"Before you hit me, you need to call my Mamma. Because it's against the law to hit kids in school!!"

Principal is stunned. Puts paddle down and says something about "Letting you go this time" and dismisses Dante. Dante is equally stunned that it worked, and marches proud as a peacock back to class. The teacher smugly asks what happened, again in front of the whole class, hoping that Dante's humiliating experience would serve as a warning to the other little boys. Dante, still standing in front of class, announces proudly,

"Nothin' happened. Because it's against the law to hit kids in school."

Let chaos reign.

At least until you figure out a better way to channel it.

-- Virgil


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I was in school when they made it against the law."

Considering that your'e my age, that would have been the 80's. I could have sworn that it was much earlier.

Wednesday, 23 May, 2007  
Blogger contemplator said...

22 states still allow it. It's a state by state case. In Kentucky, they began phasing it out, largely due to parents complaining that spanking was assault and humiliation. I happen to agree with that point of view. If he had hit my child with a board, if I could've controlled my anger and not ripped his head off, I'd have gone after his job and everything he held dear.

Thursday, 24 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How barbaric.

Thursday, 24 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a really sweet story! Your kid sounds great :D

Where I'm from originally - they still allow kids to be punished by teachers, for things such as misbehaving or forgetting to do your homework etc :-/

Thursday, 24 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Where I'm from originally - they still allow kids to be punished by teachers, for things such as misbehaving or forgetting to do your homework etc"

I know someone is going to lash out at me (LITERALLY), but what is wrong with that? I have heard that school performance is declining across the USA. This may not sound politically correct, but doesn't a teacher need to maintain discipline, or else things get out of hand?

Thursday, 24 May, 2007  
Blogger contemplator said...

Maintaining discipline and physical punishment or humiliation are not the same things. If you have to resort to the physical, you've already lost control.

I'm sure Kitush wasn't talking about general disciplinary techniques like detention, or something. On the other hand, when you have poor students or students who don't have engaged parents who help them keep up with things like their homework or teach them organizational skills, things like detention just further penalize a student who is already behind.

Friday, 25 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How would you solve the problem?

Friday, 25 May, 2007  
Blogger contemplator said...

That's too broad and vague a question to come up with something that would work in every situation with every kid.

Friday, 25 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Situation: Kid throwing rocks at other kid.

Friday, 25 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nah - I'm talking about caning and having your hand beaten with a ruler.
Kids from the age of 6 - 18 are at risk if they misbehave or don't do their homework.

I'm to be honest against punishment. Although, sometimes it's quite tempting to punish parents for their unruly kids. :-/

We had a teacher at my secondary school, who used to hand out microlines at punishment. We'd have to write a sentence that he gave us (something very long and convoluted), and write it for the entire lunch time on graph paper - and would have to fit the small squares. It was painful, and you got serious handcramp afterwards (so I'm told). It was enough for anyone to behave in his class!

Friday, 25 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Nah - I'm talking about caning and having your hand beaten with a ruler. "

Oh. Well, I don't support that.

Friday, 25 May, 2007  

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