Wednesday, March 01, 2006

"I wanna know...have you ever seen the (acid) rain?"

Today it will be in the 50s. Yesterday it was 24 degrees. But tonight we'll have freezing rain. And yet global warming does not exist. Ri-ight. We had several days in January where it got into the 70s!! And then in a week it was in the 20s. I have never seen weather like this in my lifetime. Winter was always freaking winter and didn't cross into late spring and then dive back.

I don't claim to know all the scientifics of it, but I do not see how anyone can possibly assert that the earth isn't warming at an alarming rate. I think the people who are in opposition oppose the fact that humans are causing it. I suggest they drive into East Bernstadt, KY and take a deep breath of air on the Court Square, then have some thoughtful reflection on the matter.

My prediction? It'll get to the crisis point and then we'll have to strictly ration energy. Companies will trot out the technology they've been working on for decades anyway. We'll have public celebrations when normal things like red tailed foxes have population surges. My husband isn't that politically motivated. But when it comes to environmentalism, he is galvanized beyond belief. Sometimes I provoke him on purpose just to watch. Since he hasn't made reading my blog a high priority, I'm safe in saying this.

A combination of worrying about the earth and outrageous utilities bills made us decide that when we do build a house of our own (6 years and counting, whoo-hoo!), we're going to put one of those disc thingys underground for geo-thermal heat and we're going to get our own little wind turbine. Part of that probably has something to do with our anarchist streak of not wanting to rely on companies or government. At least it sounds cool in theory!



Blogger Violet's Mom said...

I love where we live. We have a private well and our house is heated with propane. While we do have to purchase propane from someone else, at least we aren't locked into some type of relationship with a particular company.

I feel like some type of anarchist rebel!

Wednesday, 01 March, 2006  
Blogger contemplator said...

The gas people here raised the rates every quarter to obscene levels this past winter. When we complained, they just shrugged and said the "state" allowed it, so it should be the state's fault. I said, ya'll are getting the paycheck and you sure as hell didn't mind taking them up on the new legislation. We can afford it. We sure as hell couldn't afford it every month, but what pisses me off (being the humanist) is wondering how old people and people on fixed incomes could afford to pay a 300% increase or more in one month.

Wednesday, 01 March, 2006  
Blogger Doc said...

Global warning exists, yes, but weather patterns are cyclic over long periods of time, and we've only kept records for like 100 years. Looking at old, old trees, one can see that in a period of several hundred years, weather patterns cycle wildly up and down, giving us an 'average'. As we keep records, those averages are based on a very small sampling of earth history. Just the biologist in me speaking...

Wednesday, 01 March, 2006  
Blogger contemplator said...

See, that's where I have trouble processing global warming, because some of it seems "normal". And yet it's hard to deny that we're polluting the dickens out of the earth. That's gotta be worth something in what's going on.

Wednesday, 01 March, 2006  

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