Thursday, April 13, 2006

Cannibalistic Ritual Time Again...

Cannibalism, Sacrifice and Ritualistic Killing! I wonder how some folks would react to that kind of a holiday. The background mythology goes like this: first we chose a victim for the ritualistic killing, which involved public humiliation, stabbing with spears, driving iron into the hands and feet, and other miseries until the victim died. It's a pity we can't repeat that every year, but I guess once was too much for some people. However, there are some fantastic movies and plays out about it, and some people even take their three year old children to see it, so it must be appropriate. Then, we all get to gather around and show our respect for this ritualistic sacrifice by eating the flesh and drinking the blood of the victim! Won't that be great?? Of course, some people are just going to pass the flesh/blood objects around and stare at them without actually eating them. And some will have a big fat dinner of other things, but it's all the same, really.

Happy Easter, y'all.

Honestly. Sounds more like the Xtians took a page out of the Aztec playbook to me. And, yes, I already know that Easter was a pagan celebration to begin with co-opted by Xtians. Well, more like the Romans to keep the people happy.

Nothing says Death Cult like making images of the Original Victim of said cult, carrying them around (like obsidian and jade idols from Central Mexico), and then reenacting a cannibalistic ritual to seal your belief. Some don't wait until Easter to cannibalize their god. They do it weekly. Pretending to eat someone's flesh is just wrong. Worshipping death at least explains why Xtians are so obsessed with it: afterlife, crosses, sacrifice, persecution, "Blood of the Lamb". Ew. Take out the references to God/Jesus, replace them with animals or something and tell me it doesn't sound psychotic??



Blogger samuel said...

The farther I get from my own christian upbringing, the less sense it all makes to me. I'm amazed sometimes at the things I was taught, things that seem so obviously crazy to me now, yet so many people are so willing to believe.

Sunday, 16 April, 2006  

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